Excalibur STEM Presents!

Oct 31, 2022

At the Excalibur Solutions STEM Academy, we love to share what we know about computer programming, electronics, and other aspects of the T and the E components of STEM.  We were honored to have had the chance to present at two STEM-focused conferences in October.

Cross-Curricular Coding in the Elementary Grades

Lauren Seibert, our Director of Elementary Programs, presented "Cross-Curricular Coding in the Elementary Grades" at the New Jersey Science Convention.  Participants were thrilled to have a session dedicated to coding, particularly for younger students.

Lauren's presentation showed educators several ways to include coding throughout all areas of curricula. Teachers had the chance to practice hands-on block coding in programs like Scratch, MakeCode, and Tinkercad.  She shared ready-to-implement lesson plans that connect with other subject areas, and she gave ideas for how to continue to implement this type of learning throughout the school year.


Applying Math Concepts Through Video Game Development

Robert Walsh, Founder of the Excalibur Solutions STEM Academy, spoke at the Georgia Department of Education (GaDOE) STEM/STEAM Forum.  His session entitled "Applying Math Concepts Through Video Game Development" showed how math topics like geometry, probability, and even vectors and trigonometry can be woven into projects where students create different kinds of video games using Scratch.


"It was great to see a session that included projects for high school students," said one attendee. 

Another participant asked, "How much of this would you expect students to be able to do on their own?" 

The answer depends on a number of factors:

  1. Are the students already proficient with the math skills and concepts that need to be incorporated into the code? 
  2. Is the project being done while related math skills and concepts are being studied, or is it more of a summative assessment where students are expected to choose from what they know and can do? 

Sometimes, the goal might even be to introduce students to math they have not yet seen in order to capture their interest and motivate them to want to know more.

Want us to present at your upcoming event?

Whether it is a conference presentation or a professional development workshop, we want to empower others to bring more Technology and Engineering projects into the classroom.  After all, STEM is more than Science and Math.  Send us a note at [email protected] and let us know of your interest!

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