School's In Session!

authentic css html real-world scratch web development Aug 28, 2022

School is in full swing at Columbus Christian Academy (CCA) and Hillcrest Christian School (HCS).  In the first few weeks of class, students at both schools completed a Hello, World! project that allowed them to explore the basics of Scratch programming and Web Development.

Students in “Learn Programming By Building Games in Scratch” at CCA then wrote and produced their own animated commercials.  They developed a script, then selected sprites to act it out.  As part of the process, they used the “wait” instruction, the “broadcast [message]” event, and the “when I receive [message]” event handler to synchronize the actions of each sprite.  The results were fantastic and showed a remarkable amount of creativity, as well as an interest in exploring instructions not explicitly covered in class.

The “Introduction to Computer Programming and Electronics” class at HCS did a similar activity where they wrote their own stories.  They, too, used the “wait” and “broadcast”/”when I receive” instructions to control the action.  These students also created some impressive works, especially considering few have any prior programming experience.

Finally, in “Introduction to Web Development” at HCS, students are working on creating web-enabled versions of their resumés.  They are learning that HTML provides the structure for a web page, while CSS sets the presentation styles for the various elements.  This project is a good example of how we try to create learning environments that are authentic and have a real-world context.

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