Welcome New School Partners!
Aug 01, 2022
Welcome our newest school partners!
The Excalibur Solutions STEM Academy is pleased to partner with Columbus Christian Academy in Steens, Mississippi, and Hillcrest Christian School in Jackson, Mississippi, for the 2022-2023 school year. We are very excited to have the opportunity to work with these schools and their students!
Columbus Christian Academy
At Columbus Christian Academy, we will teach Learn Programming By Building Games in Scratch to 7th and 8th-grade students. In this course, students will learn to write computer programs in Scratch. Still, unlike traditional computer science courses that begin with theory and basic concepts, this course is structured around projects where students create games.
We will also teach a once-per-week specials course entitled Basics of Computer Programming and Electronics to 5th and 6th-grade students. They will work with Scratch and virtual micro:bit in Tinkercad and MakeCode.
Hillcrest Christian School
At Hillcrest Christian School, we will teach two courses, Introduction to Computer Programming and Electronics & Introduction to Web Development.
Introduction to Computer Programming and Electronics is a survey course exposing students to basic computer science and electrical engineering concepts. They learn blocks-based programming in Scratch, virtual electronics circuitry with Tinkercad, and text-based coding with physical circuits driven by an Arduino.
In Introduction to Web Development, students learn to create interactive web pages using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
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