Welcome back, Delta Streets Academy!
Dec 26, 2022
We are excited to again be working with students at Delta Streets Academy in Greenwood, MS. Beginning with the second semester of the 2022-2023 school year, we will be teaching Introduction to Web Development to a group of approximately 20 high school students.
In this course, students will complete a series of projects designed to recreate many of the apps found on smart phones and tablets. Using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, they will build a calculator, a calendar, a weather application, a stock tracker, and more. Along the way, they will learn how the Internet works, the roles of the various files that comprise a web page, how web pages access information from remote data sources, and how to manage a software project from inception through release.
Many of these students were part of the pilot program conducted at Delta Streets Academy during the 2021-2022 school year. In that course, titled Introduction to Computer Programming and Electronics, they learned basic programming with Scratch, built virtual electronic circuits in Tinkercad, then used Raspberry Pis and Arduinos to construction physical circuits with LEDs, buzzers, motion sensors, ultrasonic distance sensors, and more. These kids went from having no prior programming experience to working proficiently in C++, a text-based programming language not known for being beginner-friendly.
Two of the students who participated in the pilot have expressed an interest in pursuing a career as a computer programmer or electrical engineer. We hope that this next course will further expand all the students' understanding of the many different kinds of opportunities that exist in the vast world of STEM. Additionally, we hope to develop confidence in their own abilities to be successful in any of these fields.
Welcome back, Delta Streets Academy!
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